Is the global joint health


keeping you stiff and in pain?

Over the counter NSAIDs

Only address one or two causes of inflammation and can lead to ulcers and kidney problems.

Glucosamine and chondroitin

You have to take it for at least eight weeks to feel anything and it only works for about half the folks who try it.

Prescription COX-2 inhibitors

Only addresses one cause of inflammation and can lead to bleeding and heart problems.

Omega-3 Fish Oil

Tastes terrible and those fishy burps are just awful.

But one natural breakthrough gets to the true source of your joint pain and…

people feeling good

In as little as 3 days, you’ll go from

“Ouch!” to “Ahhh…”

Starting with two ancient, natural plant extracts, this joint-healing breakthrough address nearly every cause of joint pain and inflammation.

They’re backed by more than 5,000 years of combined ancient Asian wisdom, 10 years of modern research and two successful human clinical trials proving they:

Go to work FAST… neutralizing nearly every inflammation trigger in as little
as 3 days…
Free up your creaky, rusty joints… better mobility and range of motion in as little as 7 days…
Deliver lasting comfort…relief that continues improving over the next 90 days…
Work quickly without a single negative side effect…your heart, stomach and liver are 100% safe…

HALT and reverse nearly every cause of joint pain and inflammation…fast

Woman riding bike

ALL of your joint woes have finally met their match.  

Starting in as little as three days, you could be sitting up in bed with ease…

Heading down (or up) the stairs without so much as a wince…

Buttoning your shirts and tying your shoes with comfortable, flexible wrists
and fingers…

Strolling through the park, working in your garden, enjoying a long car ride without even thinking about your knees, your hips or your back.  

Because modern, clinical trials have confirmed that when you combine one plant—the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine—with an extract, long-exalted by brilliant Ayurvedic healers…  

You can HALT nearly every cause of joint pain and inflammation…fast.

Stop letting today’s so-called solutions sell you short—
you deserve lasting comfort and true joint mobility

When it comes to your joints, today’s mainstream standbys are nothing more than temporary cover-ups.

They mask your pain, reduce your inflammation and give you back your mobility…
but only for a few hours at a time.  

And then you have to take more. And more…and still more.

Inflammation medication
Joint pain

That’s because they do nothing to address the true cause of your discomfort.  

Most of them only address one or two inflammation triggers
(there are six categories!), none of them help you build or repair your damaged cartilage—leaving you vulnerable to more wear, tear and degradation.  

And almost every one of them comes with nasty side-effects ranging from indigestion to kidney failure and internal bleeding.

They call this a solution?!

Today’s so-called solutions only address one or two inflammation triggers…COX 1&2, FREE RADICALS etc

This joint-healing, inflammation-halting breakthrough starts with a double-dose of ancient healing wisdom for jaw-dropping
comfort and flexibility

True joint healing begins with a plant extract that is the cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  

With more than 2,000 years of documented use, Chinese skullcap is about to become your joints’ newest best friend.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Symbol
Purple flower

Don’t let the delicate purple flowers fool you. A potent extract of their root has been mentioned in every major Chinese medical text since around 200 CE. Even today it’s among the top 10 medicinal plants in China, where demand tops 200,000 tons every year.

And when you combine Chinese skullcap with India’s
“black catechu”, something nearly magical happens

Formally known as heartwood of Acacia catechu, it has been used for its medicinal properties for roughly 2,500 years.

In the early 16th century, this powerful natural medicine was the most important Indian export to China, Persia and Arabia.

And modern human clinically trials show that, when combined with Skullcap, this unique,
plant-based, standardized, two-extract combination can:            

Acacia catechu

Improve joint function and range of motion…in as little as seven days

Reduce joint discomfort…in as little as five days

Reduce stiffness and improve mobility…in as little as three days

With joint-healing benefits that continue improving for months!

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This unique, patented, two-extract combination is the corner-stone of MoveFlex…but you’ll call it a joint-health miracle!  

This one-two punch is clinically proven to deliver fast, long-lasting relief from joint discomfort while improving range of motion, flexibility and overall joint function.

woman in car

That means getting in and out or the car without tweaks
or strains…

man carrying groceries

Putting your groceries away without worrying about your cranky back or shoulders…

couple sleeping in bed

Drifting off to sleep at night without hip aches or neck stiffness…

Perhaps best of all, it’s completely natural—these two extracts have a long-standing history of successful and effective use without a single negative side effect.  

Plus, in clinical studies, when compared to one of today’s most common mainstream solutions, it worked twice as fast—reducing pain and stiffness.  

While the mainstream group showed no improvements in stiffness.

And YOU can feel the MoveFlex difference for yourself, absolutely RISK-FREE
MoveFlex Order Now

This is the first time MoveFlex is being offered to the public—
YOU can be one of the first to feel its joint-soothing, cartilage-healing, mobility-restoring powers.  

In a matter of days you could be enjoying a bike ride through the park…kneeling in your garden…dashing out onto the dance floor…

Enjoy all of the fun and active hobbies you’ve had to sideline on account of creaky, cranky,
uncomfortable joints

In just a moment I’ll tell you how to experience renewed comfort, flexibility and mobility for yourself without risking a penny.  

But MoveFlex is so much more than just Skullcap and Black Catechu. You’ll also feel the joint-soothing power of…

The potent, natural anti-inflammatory, once considered more valuable than gold

Joint relief

Traded for more than 5,000 years, a very special type of tree sap called Frankincense, was highly valued as an incense—used by priests and leaders for ceremonies and rituals of the highest order.  

It was considered one of the most valuable commodities on the planet—even more valuable than gold.  

And legend has it that one of the three wise men brought Frankincense as a gift for the newborn Jesus.  

But what the wise men of the time didn’t realize is that they were in
possession of…

One of the most powerful natural
joint-healers the world would ever know!

Today, this sap from the Boswellia serrata tree, also known as Boswellia, is the subject of some very exciting research.  

Not only is it a potent, natural anti-inflammatory, but studies show it can actually help prevent damage to your cartilage.  

In other words…Boswellia is not a temporary fix. It can actually address the underlying causes of your pain and stiffness.

In an eight-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study,every single study subject reported decreased knee pain and swelling, increased mobility and increased walking distance.

And we’re not talking about incremental improvements. I’m talking about, on average…

In as little as 8 weeks

90% improvement in pain scores...

89% improvement in range of motion scores…

Nearly 100% improvement in swelling scores...

And when Boswellia was compared to one of those mainstream standbys?  

At first, it took a little longer for study subjects to feel the effects of Boswellia, but by the end of the six month study, Boswellia had proven itself just as powerful.  

Both groups saw roughly 65% improvements in pain, stiffness and activity scores…

HOWEVER, when scientists followed up one month after the study had ended, the Boswellia group was still enjoying improvements in comfort, flexibility and mobility. 

Proof positive that Boswellia can help heal joints, reverse damage and restore long-term comfort and flexibility

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The non-Boswellia group wasn’t nearly as lucky. Within a month of ending treatment, their scores dropped by more than half in all three categories!

To say Boswellia was a MUST-HAVE in MoveFlex is an understatement.

And in just a few short weeks, your comfortable, flexible joints will
know exactly why

Because, as the days and weeks pass, you’ll think about your joints less…and your favorite
activities more.

You’ll spend more time golfing and less time rubbing your elbows and shoulders…

You’ll enjoy more time on the dance floor and less time resting your knees and getting off your feet…

You’ll get to see more of the sights on your vacation and spend less time missing the best views, events and activities...

Most importantly, instead of banishing your symptoms temporarily, you’ll be healing your joints, allowing your body to repair and rebuild the cartilage that’s keeping you sore, stiff and side-lined.  

But MoveFlex has so much more in store for you.  

Because, when it comes to your joints, I want to be sure you’re getting all of the best that Nature has to offer.

Grandparent playing with grand child

This ancient yellow powder comes with more
than 150 remarkable health benefits…

But what it does for your joints will blow your mind!


Chances are you’ve heard of curcumin.  

It’s the active compound found in the yellow spice turmeric and it’s been used as a dye, a seasoning and a miraculous Ayurvedic medicine for nearly 3,000 years.  

But what’s most exciting is that curcumin is both a powerful antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory that, like the Skullcap and Catechu combination, attacks major
inflammatory triggers.  

And, like Boswellia, curcumin helps prevent damage to your cartilage.

But, not all curcumin was created equal…and most of it is worthless

Unless you really love curries and other Indian and Chinese dishes made with turmeric, don’t bother adding heaps of it into your meals.  

Curcumin is EXTREMELY tough for your body to absorb.  In order to reap any kind of joint benefits, you’d need to eat a TON of turmeric…swallow fistfuls of curcumin pills…or find a doctor who’ll give it to you intravenously (ouch!).  

So, why did we include it in MoveFlex?   Because we found an incredibly powerful, absorbable, standardized form of curcumin called Curcumin C3 Complex®.

Curcumin C3 Complex

The “Black Pepper Secret” to lasting
joint comfort and mobility

Curcumin is a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory. But, when taken as a supplement (or in your food) it’s notoriously tough to absorb and put to use.  

But a patented, standardized extract called BioPerine®, taken from the black pepper fruit, has not only erased that problem…  

It can supercharge the power of curcumin!  

A clinical study showed that, adding BioPerine® to curcumin increased the oral bioavailability by 2,000%.  

That means more curcumin gets absorbed into your body…it can go to work faster…and you’ll feel relief far sooner than with ordinary curcumin.

That’s why BioPerine® is a part of the Curcumin C3 Complex® you’ll get in each daily dose of MoveFlex—for lasting comfort, flexibility and independence.

Feel the difference for yourself.  

Order MoveFlex today and try it RISK-FREE for a full year. It works or it’s free!

Curcumin C3 Complex® is 2,000% stronger than ordinary curcumin

Getting to the root cause of your pain and stiffness… so you can sigh with
lasting comfort and sweet relief

In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 84% of the curcumin group tossed out their other joint pills after just six weeks—they didn’t need them anymore.

In a similar six-week study, curcumin subject saw statistically significant improvements in stiffness, pain and mobility.

And, perhaps most importantly, six other human clinical trials, using super-huge doses of Curcumin C3 Complex® showed not a single negative side effect.  

Plus, Curcumin C3 Complex® was awarded GRAS (generally regarded as safe) status by the United States FDA. 

It’s backed by more than 80 research papers, including more than 45 clinical studies that have been published in peer-reviewed journals and counting. Making Curcumin C3 Complex® the “most extensively studied and clinically documented” form of curcumin on the market today.

But all of the science and data aside, getting your daily dose of Curcumin C3 Complex® in MoveFlex can only mean one thing.

Even MORE joint-healing, pain-erasing, inflammation-soothing
power YOU CAN FEEL—guaranteed

I’m sure you’ve tried other so-called joint health remedies…and if you’re reading this, it likely means you’re still trying to find a solution that works.  

One that REALLY works.

MoveFlex IS that solution. A safe, fast and effective breakthrough in nutrient science that can help:

Free up your cranky wrists and fingers—getting dressed, fixing a meal, or carrying your groceries should never feel painful

Soothe your rusty knees and hips—so you can enjoy a stroll or a bike ride, get in and out of your car without wincing

Relieve back and neck pain—going for a drive, sitting through a movie or a good meal, even drifting off to sleep at night is comfortable and easy

Restore mobility and independence—live life on your own terms, feel free and active, enjoy all of your favorite activities without stiffness or discomfort

All without a single negative side effect, with benefits that continue improving the longer you take it!

MoveFlex addresses the underlying cause of your pain—
it doesn't just cover it up temporarily.

That's because every single ingredient is clinically shown to help target the underlying causes of your pain, stiffness and inflammation

But you don’t have to take my word for it. Because, in just a moment, I’ll tell you how you can try it risk-free, for a full year, without  risking a penny.  

But there’s one more special set of ingredients that really sets MoveFlex apart from every other natural joint
health solution.

Proprietary BioAccelerators™ ensure optimal nutrient absorption and digestive comfort

When it comes to mainstream joint solutions, one of the top complaints I’ve heard is how harsh they can be on
the stomach.  

Plus, whether we like it or not, as we get older, our digestion just isn’t as efficient as it once was.  

But, MoveFlex has you covered.  

Not only is every ingredient proven effective in clinical studies…  

And not only are they shown to be free of negative side-effects…  

But we’ve included a proprietary blend of BioAccelerators™.  

These powerful enzymes and natural anti-inflammatories ensure that every last molecule of MoveFlex is properly broken down, digested and absorbed by your body.

MoveFlex BioAccelerators™ enure optimal absorption for optimal joint health

No other joint health solution offers this proprietary blend of natural enzymes and gut soothers to ensure you’re getting the most from every last molecule of MoveFlex.  

BioPerine: Boost the bioavailability of curcumin by 2,000% for optimal anti-inflammatory action

Ginger root extract: Legendary root extract helps soothe indigestion and promote a healthy inflammatory response

Trikatu: An ancient Ayurvedic solution made from ginger root and two types of pepper to help promote healthy digestion and overall gastric function

Digezyme: A potent blend of digestive enzymes to help break down carbs, lactose, cellulose (plant) fibers, fats and proteins

Lactospore: Helps support healthy digestion and has been shown to help fight infections and lactose intolerance  

Don’t settle for old standbys. Get the most from one of the most powerful, natural joint health solutions today!  

Order FlexMove today and try it RISK-FREE for a full year. It works or your money back!

Optimal absorption means optimal results because your joints deserve the BEST possible support

In other words, you’ll feel a difference faster…it will last longer…without side effects and without upsetting your stomach.  

No other natural joint health supplement offers these proprietary BioAccelerators™.  

So, why sell yourself short on old standbys?  

Why waste your money on so-called solutions that only cover up your pain, reduce your stiffness and cool your inflammation temporarily?  

MoveFlex goes to work fast, halting the causes of inflammation, reversing the damage and allowing your joints to heal naturally.  

For long-lasting comfort, flexibility, mobility and independence.  

But you don’t have to take my word for it…
MoveFlex Order Now

Order MoveFlex today,
absolutely risk-free
If you aren’t 100% satisfied,
it’s FREE

There are so many joint health solutions out there. Some are better than others while some don’t work at all.

But MoveFlex is in a class all its own.

No other natural joint healing supplement can help…

Target nearly every single inflammation trigger

Halt the underlying causes of joint pain

Help your body reverse joint damage

And no other natural joint health solution offers our proprietary BioAccelerators™ for optimal absorption and
digestive comfort.  

The bottom line is, when it comes to real, lasting, clinically-proven joint comfort and flexibility—without a single known side effect—no other joint solution even comes close.

And I’m so sure that you’ll agree, that I’m giving you an unheard of 365 days to try it out for yourself.

If you don’t feel FlexMove’s powerful natural anti-inflammatories go to work fast easing stiffness, reducing pain and relieving inflammation…

If you aren’t enjoying your favorite activities, accomplishing daily chores and living a free and independent lifestyle—without being side-lined by joint pain…

If you aren’t 100% convinced that MoveFlex is the single-most effective joint health solution you’ve ever tried…send it back, within a year of your purchase date, for a full refund.

No questions asked. It’s that simple.

I wouldn’t ask you to spend your money on something that doesn’t work…and this unconditional, one-year guarantee is proof positive that we stand behind MoveFlex 100%.

You have NOTHING to lose…and a lifetime of lasting,
natural comfort to look forward to

Stop being a victim of the global joint health failure…stop letting old standbys sell you short, covering up symptoms and offering temporary solutions.  

MoveFlex gets to the true source of your joint pain with ingredients backed by more than 5,000 years of combined ancient Asian wisdom, 10 years of modern research and X successful human clinical trials proving it:

Goes to work FAST… neutralizing nearly every inflammation trigger in as little as
3 days…

Frees up your creaky, rusty joints… better mobility and range of motion in as little as 7 days…

Delivers lasting comfort…relief that continues improving over the next 90 days…

Works quickly without a single negative side effect…your heart, stomach and liver are 100% safe…

The Most Generous Guarantee in the Industry!

Put MoveFlex to the test for ONE FULL YEAR

The ingredients in MoveFlex have been shown to start working in as little as three days. With benefits that continue to improve with each passing week,  

MoveFlex is built around both ancient healing wisdom and modern, human clinical studies showing that these powerful ingredients help address nearly every inflammation trigger, soothing your joints, relieving your pain, helping to rebuild damaged cartilage and restoring comfort and flexibility, FAST.  

Of course, everyone's body and situation are different. And we want to make sure you have all the time you need to feel the difference that MoveFlex can make — helping to:

Neutralize nearly every inflammation trigger in as little as 3 days…

Free up your creaky, rusty joints…better mobility and range of motion in as little as 7 days…

Deliver lasting comfort…relief that continues improving over the next 90 days…

Work quickly without a single negative side effect…your heart, stomach and liver are 100% safe…

That's why you get one full year to put MoveFlex to the test. But if you're not satisfied, for any reason at all, simply return the unused portion for a full refund (less S&H) — no questions asked.  

You have nothing at all to lose and a lifetime of comfort and flexibility to look forward to!  

So why wait? Order MoveFlex today and start enjoying unparalleled comfort, flexibility and independence today!

Choose our FREE, convenient, Automatic Product Shipment (APS) service and save more than $139!

When you order your risk-free supply of MoveFlex today and choose our convenient APS option, you become eligible for four really exciting benefits!

NEVER run out of MoveFlex. Your joints will always feel flexible, nourished and pain-free because we’ll automatically ship you a fresh three-month supply of MoveFlex, right before your current supply runs out. No checks to write or forms to fill out. We’ll do all the work for you.

Shipping is always FREE. A savings of more than $59 a year which, when combined with the three-month, multi-bottle discount, saves you more than $139 a year compared to the regular one-bottle price.

Price-lock guarantee. The low price you pay today will never change—guaranteed. Even if our costs double…or triple…or more. The price you pay today will stay the same for as long as you’re enrolled in APS.

No strings attached. Enrolling in APS is absolutely free, and you can call to cancel at any time. There are no minimum purchasing requirements, no cancellation penalties and no questions asked.

And you are always covered by our 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. That means, if MoveFlex doesn’t work for you—if you aren’t completely satisfied for any reason, simply return any unused portion within a year of your purchase date for a full refund.

So why wait? Order MoveFlex, choose our FREE APS option and start enjoying unparalleled comfort, flexibility and independence today!

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